Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Chapter One, page 1

My father, Pollination Tech#9 Smith.

 A strange little green man. After a fruitful career, of filling the universe of little Pollinations, he decided to retire on his favorite planet, earth.
Here he met and married the lovely and sweet Jenny Curious. My half sister.
And dear ole Dad Glarn, who couldn't the thought of half-alien daughters, gave his fully human daughter's hand in marriage to the father of his older two children.
Talk about Daddy Drama.
While I have met my siblings a few times, we aren't what you would call a close family.
Mama Glabe passed away a long time ago, I am convince of a broken heart. Glarn died, never knowing his two eldest children. And for Pollination, we don't even exist.
Now you know why I chase dark shadows during the day and wish upon stars at night.

 My story begins, in of all places, the Strangetown grave yard.
It was the beginning of May, an early summer had come to Strangetown along with several changes.
I had just received my captain's bars, a rank I had busted my butt to earn. My sister Chloe, after ending an relationship, moved back home from Pleasentview, coming to live with me and my two roommates, Erin Beaker and Kristen Loste. Kristen and Erin had gone into business together, opening a local dress shop with an Indian theme. With Kristen's business sense and Erin's flair for design, the shop was already a success.
Several new families had moved into StrangeTown, all alien families. The sun around Tello II went super nova and the planet, along with three surrounding planets had to be evacuated. The StrangeTown Parliament agreed to the settlement, feeling both the various races and their culture would be good for SimNation, as well as giving these new homes and new beginnings.
 Amoung the changes, Parliament had hired a developer, one Ajaya Loner, to make StrangeTown into a more, welcoming, attractive community.
His first project, a new community center had just open, ready to welcome all Strangetown to enjoy. His aim was to build up Strangetown, a vast desert place, similar to the desert beauty of Al Simhara, where he was from.
During this time, Ajaya had also met and fallen in love with a local girl and friend of my, Jessie Piferson.
 Jessie had been Sorority sisters, so I knew Jess quite well. And though I was happy for her upcoming marriage, I had concerns shared by all of our friends.
For lovely Jessie really wasn't the marrying type.

Jess was a brown haired beaut. Wild, free and untamed. Jessie was sass and sizzle to Ajaya's meek and quiet nature. Jessie loved a good party, a good drink, pumping music and  hot men.

 I just couldn't see Jessie giving up nightclubbing and hot tubs, to become the quiet housewife and mother Ajaya had in mind.
They had known each other just three short months, before then, Jessica had suddenly gone off to visit family in MoonVillage, a small town just outside the Strangetown Woods.
Since was odd because Jessie didn't get along with her family. She claimed that she had gone to patch things up with her family. A claim I found hard to believe. Maybe that's why the engagement to Loner. To prove she truly changed.
It was around this same time, just before Jessie's wedding that the rash of deaths began to occur.
May first dawn bright and sunny. I had made plans to meet Jessie, along with our Sorority sisters DJ Verse, Sara Love, and Monica Braford for lunch that afternoon. The girls were in town for Jessie's wedding and we were finally getting together to finalize the wedding plans.
But we never met.
That morning, all four women were still quite alive and healthy. By night fall, all four of my friends were dead. The hotel maid reported a vile smell coming from their room. When she open the door, a green mist floated out of the room, so thick, it literally took her breath away. Her body was found just outside the doorway to the hotel room where the four dead women laid. The appeared to have died the next morning.
Even before I could even fully take in the deaths of my four friends, the next evening, I received another call, reporting another series of deaths, this one hitting even closer to home
The Beaker family were a queer sort. Doctors Loki Beaker and Circe Beaker, lived with their foster son, Nervous Subject.
There always seem to be something strange goings on their home. There were rumours the Doctors were preforming strange experiments in their basement, but nothing that was ever proved.  It was the maid that found the bodies of the family. She too, was found lying  in a coma in the family courtyard by the mailman and hours later. died.
It was I who chose to tell Loki  Beaker's little sister, Erin, of her family's deaths, since Erin is one of my roommates.
The following week was a sad one. Instead of enjoying National Day, a day of picnics, cookouts and fireworks, the city was preparing to bury its dead. A huge mourner's shroud covered the town as daily there were funerals; for my four friends, for Erin's family and for the hotel maid.
Despite the warmth and light of Spring, Strangetown was in darkness. Someone or something was killing the good people of Strangetown.
It had been a hard week. Going to the City Morgue, looking at the bodies of my friends, of the Beaker family and of the maid, was amoung the hardest things I had ever done. I had known these four young women since college. They had so much to live for. And for their lives to be cut short....I had to find answers.
All had this slimy green film around their mouths, suggesting they ate or drank something that caused their deaths. Or it could have been some sort of air-borne virus. I was told it would take several weeks to get out that report.
"We don't have several weeks," I told Doctor Amir, head of the morgue. "if this is some sort of virus that has gone air-borne, Strangetown could very well be a Ghost town in several weeks."
I hated pressing Doctor Amir and his staff in such a matter, knowing they were doing the very best they could. But I needed answers. Strangetown had grown fearful over the nine sudden deaths of friends, family and neighours. The public was pressing the Police and City Leaders for answers. And the Police and City Leaders were in turn, pressing the Paranormal Department, my department for those very same answers.
One evening while I was going through the case flies, my friend Elanna White called.
"You sound tired girl,"
"I am. This case is giving my a major migraine."
"When's the last time you slept?"
"Who sleeps?
"As I thought. I'm sending Ira over to pick you up. You need to take the evening off, and my guess a good meal as well as a good night sleep."
Sure, like I could rest at Elanna's home. Elanna with the touchy-feely husband, his frisky parents, two overly acted sons and a busy toddler. Just the sort of evening I need to get my mind off this case.
It was that very night the dreams began...
I dreamt of a man, laying in a field. I had seem members of his race before, so I knew he was Vulcan. He was laying upon his back, staring up at the stars, when, suddenly! he sat up, as if spotting a new star or even a planet. His face was intense, as all Vulcans are. But there was something different about this Vulcan. His features were softer, he even appeared to laugh. Then, he laid back down and continue searching the night sky.
Night after night, for a week, I dreamt the very same dream; a Vulcan, laying upon his back, star glazing. Seeking. Searching.

I wonder what it meant.

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